Catalog Version 1 Copyright (C) 1996 Catalogic All Rights Reserved ORDERING INFORMATION A registered copy of Catalog costs $239 (US) including shipping and handling. The fee includes the following things: - Printed manual - 3 1/2" disk with a registered copy of Catalog - Licence to distribute the Catalog files you create - 3 1/2" disk with a copy of the Order installation disc which you may distribute with your Catalog files - a single self extracting/installing file for Order which you can distribute via the internet with your Catalog file(s) - One year of support To order by cheque, send the following order form to Catalogic PO Box 389 East Kew 3102 Australia Payments must be in $US by international postal money order. * Payments may also be made in $Australian drawn from an Australian bank. The price is $299 (Australian $). ************************************************************************ All Prices are in $US Name: _________________________________________ Organization: _________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ : _________________________________________ : _________________________________________ : _________________________________________ : _________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________________ Prices are guaranteed through June 1997. Catalog is supplied on 3.5" disks only. ____ copies at $239 each: _________ Please help us help you by answering the following questions: Where did you first hear about Catalog? Do you have any comments or suggestions about our product?